domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Xenogears: Books and Movies

Note: The following information will be in constant renewal due to the fact that you are looking for and verifies that each book and film is truly one of the influences of Xenogears for so the reader can understand more of your wonderful frame.


Below I will explain why and how of this. We must take into account that Xenosaga for something are Episode I, II and III of Xenogears there are IV and V. The episode VI was never done

*Also Sigmund from Xenogears is a reference of Sigmund Freud

The Foundation's series by Asimov: as you know Xenogears elapses when the planet Earth was abandoned and by then the original human had already traveled and inhabited other planets and Deus was a weapon to combat between wars of planets. This is a clear reference to the saga of the Foundation that it is recommended that you read all the saga since where ends Foundation and Earth after that already comes Xenosaga and then Xenogears.

Books by Nietzsche

                               ----> The Will to Power:
                               ----> Beyond Good and Evil
                               ----> Thus Spoke Zarathustra
                               ----> The Gay Science

By something Xenosaga I, II and III as the title mentions these books. The Will to Power is as an introduction to the thought of Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil a critique of the religions, Thus spoke Zarathustra talks about the freedom of every human being and the more important the Gay Science with the Eternal Recurrence's theory where a human (in this case Fei) rebirth many times to make the same or similar mistakes.

Books by Sigmund Freud

                                ----> The Ego and the Id
                                ----> The Interpretation of Dreams

How you may know the bad side of Fei was Id and Id is the part "bad" of all human beings. The Interpretation of Dreams are explained cases that are easily identifiable with Fei and other problems of the characters.

Solaris: A clear reference of Solaris from the city of the game and Solaris from the book. This can be explained by the appearance that is Solaris to be perfect when the reality is otherwise.

Our Inner Conflicts(By Karen Horney): Karen Horney was a follower of Sigmund Freud, thus of psicoanalisis, her speciality was neurosis and personality, in this book she makes examples Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde in problems about personality, similar the case of Fei and ID.
Blade Runner(1997): The droids in Xenosaga are a clear reference to Blade Runner because people think in the movie that robots do not have "empathy", the keyword of the film, in fact robots have feelings in Xenosaga.

Philadelphia Experiment (1984) the name of the ship at the beginning of the game is called the Eldridge reference to the boat for this film because of the magnitude of the accident they suffered as in the game and in the movie.

STAR WARS: the character of graft Xenogears is a clear reference to Dark Vader, apart from that, with the protagonist there is the similar father-son connection.

Soylent Green: A movie about in a distopian future where the poor are food for the middle class, transformed in secret factories like in Xenogears.

Wong Fei Hung movies: There are around 100 movies about this character the most famous ones are performed by Jet Li in Upon a Time in China series.


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